On the beginning of New Year, we received a splendid gift from our Resonites as
they once again proved their vigilance in the recently declared NSEJS results 2018-19,
which was held in the month of November 2018. It is an initial stage of prestigious
exam IJSO conducted by HBCSE, Mumbai. Out of the total appeared students, 304 students
are selected from the country.
Total 41 students are selected from Resonance, 30 are from classroom
and 11 students are from Distance Learning Program division (DLPD).
The Managing director Mr. R.K.Verma shared the Result Highlights as follows:
- 5 students are the state toppers of their respective states i.e. Bihar, Chhattisgarh,
Chandigarh, Odisha & Madhya Pradesh.
- 1 Resonite secured Rank 2 from the state of & Bihar.
- 10 students stand under top 100 AIR.
- 50% selection share in result from Chhattisgarh.
Stage-2 exam will be held on 2nd February 2019.
Indian Association of Physics Teachers of India (IAPT) conducted stage-1 examination
on 18th November 2018 in the country. Out of the total appeared students
304 students have been selected for stage-2. On the basis of performance in "Indian
National Junior Science Olympiad" (NJSO) stage-2, top 35 students will be selected
for stage-III which is known as Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC). The merit
list of OCSC in Junior Science will be prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical
and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage
for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. The 6 special merit awardees in Junior
Science selected at the end of the OCSC. The selected 6 member student team will
undergo a rigorous training program at HBCSE in theory and experiment. Special laboratories
are being developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource
persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country will train the
students. And in Final stage 6 students & 1 teacher leader will constitute the delegation
to represent India at the International level.
Our Managing Director Mr. RK Verma informed that NSEJS is the stepping stage for
selection of aspiring and talented students in the Junior Science Olympiad Program.
The student can move forward to other stages only after clearing this stage. He
congratulated and extended best wishes for the upcoming Stage 2 examination.
Resonance has been providing remarkable results for many years in governments as
well as in private Olympiads. Resonance provides various workshops for the preparation
of these kind of competitive exams such as Summer Workshop, Winter Workshop, Test
Series, Short-term workshop etc.